ABOUT ----- This is a simple filter module. It handles and tags so that users can post code without having to worry about escaping with < and > INSTALLATION ------------ 1. Copy the codefilter folder to your website's sites/all/modules directory. 2. Enable the codefilter.module on the Modules page. 3. Go to Configuration > Text formats. For each format you wish to add Code Filter to: a. Click the "configure" link. b. Under "Enabled filters", check the codefilter checkbox. c. Under "Filter processing order", rearrange the filtering chain to resolve any conflicts. For example, to prevent invalid XHTML in the form of '

' make sure "Code filter" comes before the "Convert line breaks into HTML" filter. d. Click the "Save configuration" button. 4. (optionally) Edit your theme to provide a div.codeblock style for blocks of code. PRISM SUPPORT ------------- This module package includes support for the Prism highlighting library, which you can learn more about at http://prismjs.com. To enable Prism: 1. Enable the codefilter_prism module. 2. Download prism.js and prism.css from prismjs.com and add them to a folder at sites/all/libraries/prism or sites//libraries/prism. 3. Following the instructions above to add codefilter parsing to your text format. 4. For each format you want Prism support for, check the 'Prism Library Support' checkbox. codefilter_prism will automatically parse code wrapped in and tags into a Prism compatible format. CREDITS ------- This mini-module was originally made by Steven Wittens , based on the PHP filter in Kjartan Mannes's project.module. Prism integration was incorporated by Joel Pittet and Jakob Perry.